Second actionway

Continuing around, here's a look down the second, even-less-actionway-like actionway. Not too much to say about this picture, so here's that plan sheet showing the new Rite Aid decor that I promised:


  1. That'll be very neat if the planters actually happen, thanks for posting that plan sheet. The 'indoor park' aspect of vintage 1970s retail that I hope comes back. I suppose those of you with Rite Aids which actually do renovations will have to keep an eye on the situation.

    1. Honestly, I was surprised that there are Rite Aids that still do remodels at all!

  2. The font used in the plans looks a lot like Walmart's font. I imagine that this decor would be like the "wellness" decor, but with that font.

    1. That is quite true! Fingers crossed that this will turn out to be a bit more interesting than Walmart's current decor packages though -- I'm hoping that the wall signage won't be all the decor there is.


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