Blue stairs

Part of what makes this store's layout so confusing is that the first floor is on at least three different levels! The different levels all have half-story staircases connecting them, plus some really convoluted elevators for accessibility (which I with I had gotten a picture of). This view looks from the gold room (on the uppermost level) through the blue room to the greenroom in the background

Anyways, off topic, but how was everybody's 4th of July yesterday? Around here, most events were cancelled, but at least Port Angeles still had a fireworks show. Nothing particularly notable about the show itself, but there were some interesting music choices: one of the first songs was Uprising by Muse, the lyrics of which are anti-government (with some conspiracy theories thrown in), which was followed up immediately by You Gotta Fight for Your Right to Party by the Beastie Boys. When you add those together, I have to wonder if someone at the radio station was trying to send a message regarding the current COVID restrictions -- and since I know several people who work there (it's a small town!), that really wouldn't surprise me.


  1. Nothing eventful on my end, really. Went out shopping for some things. Got a new photoset from the Getwell Kroger before it remodels...


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