Looking back

Here's a look back across the produce department. While this store hasn't received much attention in a very long time, it's still a pretty decent looking place! And yes, it was almost completely devoid of customers when I was here -- in fact, from how empty the parking lot was I was concerned it wasn't open when I got here -- but I don't know enough about this place to know if this is normal or not. Sequim is a town largely made up of retirees, so perhaps 8:30 at night is too late for them to be shopping!


  1. My Walmart isn't even open at 8:30 at night anymore 😣

    1. Wow! I know a lot of stores have reduced hours right now, but that seems crazy, especially for Walmart!

    2. Agreed! I thought Walmart's closing time currently is 8:30 across the country, but maybe not. Either way, would really love for them to be open longer again... (For comparison, Kroger closes at 11!)

    3. It's entirely possible that Walmart closes that early around here too -- I just never go to Walmart! That's particularly surprising seeing as most stores around here are back to near-normal hours (with the exception of 24-hour stores, but there weren't a lot of those left around here even before the pandemic).


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