Sushi Chicken

In addition to the standard sushi counter, this store is one of the few Fred Meyers to get the short-lived (in this area at least) The Chicken Co concept. Having various fast food-type chicken offerings in a store isn't that rare (pretty much every Safeway with a full-size deli has something like this, and I'm pretty sure that at least some Fred Meyers without the special Chicken Co branding do too), but for some reason Fred Meyer briefly decided to make a big deal of this with its own branding and department sign, then just as quickly canned the idea (some stores, including the Ballard Fred Meyer, had it show up on the plans but it didn't make it into the finished product). Meanwhile, I really like the sushi decor that this store got! The full-height stripy backdrop, matching the wood paneling behind the chicken sign, looks way better than the small section that most stores got.
