
Right in front of the dairy sunrise is aisle 12, so now's a good time to talk about the oddball aisle markers at this store! While some older/lower-ceiling Fred Meyers got Fresh & Local aisle markers, this one got a custom modification of the Marketplace style. (The dimensions look similar to the standard style Kroger has used for most decor packages since 2012/Bountiful, so it's possible that these were built on the structure of that style, but the style is clearly completely different.) This store also got hanging plaques below each aisle marker in the food section to highlight the natural foods that are integrated with the main grocery aisles -- while integrated natural foods have become a thing Kroger-wide, this special detail is certainly not common and I'm not sure I've seen it anywhere else.


  1. This natural foods element, however, I have not seen. These days around here the regular placard on the aisle marker is just outlined with a white border and has the leaf logo next to the word.

    But I have seen these aisle markers themselves before, albeit not in person. Seems like they're used especially in low ceiling stores.

    1. Yeah, I've seen that style of natural foods signs around too. No idea why they did something so different here!

      Interesting to hear that this style of aisle marker is somewhat common. I guess the reason I haven't seen it around here is that Fred Meyer stores don't normally have low ceilings.

    2. p.s. -- don't know why that link didn't work originally. This new Blogger format is certainly going to take some getting used to!


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