Prepared foods island

The pre-remodel store did actually have some attractive rounded details -- they were just not in the same location! In probably the strangest feature of this store, it used to have an island by the entryway for the prepared foods section. This is roughly (though not quite) where the pharmacy island would go in the normal Grocery Palace store, but for one reason or another this store doesn't have a pharmacy. Instead, it ended up with this thing, awkwardly placed in the middle of everything. Other than the very strange design choice to leave a gap between the "roof" of the island and the ceiling of the store, I really like the design chosen here, with the PF&Hv2-esque color scheme and rounded details, so I was sad to see this go as part of the remodel. Anyways, this is something I've never seen elsewhere, and I have no clue when this would have been installed -- maybe one of the resident Albertsons experts around here knows more, or maybe it's just one of those weird flukes.


  1. This could have been the A la Carte area that is part of the prepared foods during the PF&H days. It looks like Safeway is still using it for that purpose.

    1. Yep, that's definitely what they were using it for. It was just the design and layout that seemed a little unusual to me!

  2. I've never seen anything like this at a Florida Albertsons, as all the Florida Grocery Palace stores had pharmacies. The Grocery Palace stores had a Starbucks island located opposite the pharmacy island in front of the deli, but that's the closest thing to prepared foods I've seen. However, I don't know it an arrangement like this was more common elsewhere in the country.


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