High Quality Digital Memories

As with so many decor packages, the one spot where this one feels rather outdated is in the electronics/photo department. Obviously, that's in large part just because the whole concept of a photo department feels old-fashioned, though the faux 7-segment display text used for the word "DIGITAL" (and, I suppose, the fact that they felt the need to specify digital photography) is what I would home in on as particularly outdated. (On a side note, I just learned that the phrase is supposed to be "home in", not "hone in"!) Obviously, I took this photo from the games aisle, which featured classics like the Rubik's Cube and Skip-Bo (which is my parents' favorite game, I'll note) as well as whatever "What Did I Step In?" is off to the right.


  1. Similarly, I learned in the past that "begs the question" is never used appropriately. Won't stop me from misusing it, though :P

    1. Same here! That one's too ingrained for me to change...


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