
Unsurprisingly, the pharmacy was long gone by the time of my visit. I was quite surprised, though, to see that the "pharmacy" lettering was gone as well -- they didn't bother removing the signage for any of the other closed departments, like the dairy section in the background. Of course, the most prominent thing in this picture is the makeshift barricade in the foreground -- at this store, they were very persistent about consolidating the remaining product towards the front and closing off as much of the store as possible, something that I'm certainly not used to seeing.


  1. Great shot! I wonder if the sign removal has to do with laws stating you can't advertise a nonoperational pharmacy. I'd be curious to know if the exterior signs were removed or covered over soon after this as a result. And that's interesting about the consolidation being unusual to you - that's common at liquidations around me! Unless you're just saying you don't have many liquidations :P

    1. Yeah, you're probably right about that -- though you'd think blocking off the whole area would have the same effect! As for exterior signage, I don't think this store ever had any (surprisingly enough) -- I can't find any in my pictures or Street View.

      It is true that I haven't been to all that many closings compared to some others on here, but at the ones I have been to, it seems like they've just let the stock dwindle in place instead of moving it around -- not to the extent it was done here at least. And the way that fixtures were moved around to fully close off large portions of the store seemed somewhat strange too, but again, maybe that's just me.


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