Welcome... but not yet

The little alcove seen in the last picture allowed for me to get a this surprisingly decent shot in through the doors and into the entryway vestibule. Even better, the second doors were stuck halfway open, so you can see a little bit into the salesfloor! QFC must be getting rather creative with their checkout numbering, since there's no way there are 18 non-self checkouts in this store...

Notice anything familiar about this interior yet? If not, you should figure it out soon enough! (I've already told at least one of you about this... no spoilers please if so!) 🙂


  1. I'm interested to see if the self checkouts are numbered too... I encountered that in the remodeled Oakland Kroger, which raised their total register count to 16 despite only having four manned checkouts. I guess this is the future...

    Looking forward to seeing the interior! Already I'm a little confused, though - sure, I love fresh, and sure, I love local, but I'm not so certain I love delivery :P

    1. I just looked at the fixture plans again, and yes, there are 18 including the self-checkouts (4 regular, 2 express (probably the ones seen here), and 12 self. Pretty weird, since Kroger has typically specced blank cubes for the self-checkouts, but who knows what they're doing...

      Ha! I'm not a fan of that slogan either -- it started out as the (far superior) Love Fresh - Love Local - Love Food (or some arrangement of those phrases), but they swapped it to this when they started really pushing delivery. I suspect this slogan will seen quite outdated in a few years!


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