Milk & Eggs

The dairy department is another place where the decor is very directly lifted from Main & Vine -- in fact, when it comes to the main department sign, I can't spot any noticeable differences! Sadly, it looks like the decor and HVAC installers didn't coordinate very well, as the large ductwork does slightly obscure the sign (and seems to mess with the spotlighting as well). On the plus side, the ultramodern case doors look great here!


  1. Crazy how similar the décor is! It looks fancy, and I like it in your photos, but I'm not sure I would like if it became the official décor package... it feels more suited for "special" stores. Hopefully the "Urban" part of "Urban Mix" indicates that is indeed Kroger's intention...

    1. I have to say, I really did like it in person. It does appear that it is going to be the standard QFC decor package, and the "Artisan" variant appears to be becoming the standard in some other Kroger regions (whether it will in your area or not I haven't been able to figure out -- Kroger seems to be using Fresh and Local, Marketplace, and Artisan somewhat interchangeably in your region).

    2. That's good to hear - I know the in-person impression can be considerably different sometimes (I hated fresh and local in photos at first!). As for the Delta Division, yeah, who knows what the heck they're planning XD

    3. Honestly, I don't really like Fresh and Local in person either! 🙂 This is probably the only decor package I've seen in person before seeing it in pictures (other than the ones I grew up with), so it's hard for me to have a good sense of how I feel about it in photos...


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