Meat & Seaf///

One thing that the new Urban Mix decor clearly took directly from Main & Vine is the fancy ampersand that shows up pretty much everywhere the word and would be used -- even some of the small promotional signage, which makes me wonder if it will show up throughout QFC soon. (That wouldn't surprise me, as most of their current promotional signage is clearly from the Fresh and Local era, so it probably is time for a change.) I'm not sure what I think of the & here -- it made sense conceptually in Main & Vine, as it was taken directly from the logo, but without that context, it just looks a little bit silly.


  1. I don't mind it that much in the décor here, but I agree, my personal preference is always to write out the whole word. Just like I like "okay" instead of "OK."

    1. I don't know -- I wouldn't use it in normal writing, but I do kind of like ampersands in graphic design type things. The one used here just looks a bit silly -- a bit too much flair for me, especially combined with the fairly plain font used for the normal text.


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