No Thanks

Completing this decor destruction extravaganza, this is the sight you see heading out the left side doors, with the Thank You sign gone. I imagine this will be replaced with yet another stupid "Freddy's" sign...

That's it for today. I'm not planning to make this a weekly set, but how frequent it is will depend on how much progress Fred Meyer actually makes on this remodel... typically, their remodels have proceeded at a rather glacial pace, and they haven't been showing any signs of changing that on this project. I'll probably post updates every 2-3 weeks or so, and on Saturdays since that's when I typically walk by here. Also, I've got a big test coming up on Monday, so I may end up missing tomorrow and/or Monday. Stay tuned...


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! Everyone keeps saying it should be easy... so it will be extra embarrassing if I don't pass! 🙂 Fingers crossed...

    2. You're welcome! Let us know how it goes :)


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