Getting closer

The primary exterior change of the remodel was the addition of this rather interesting vestibule over the main (left) entrance. It's quite a nice, modern touch that still works nicely with the original architecture of the store.

Total side note: With the change in my posting arrangement, I'd been getting a bit worried about still having content to post. So I decided to count up my pictures last night. Turns out, I have around 3-4 THOUSAND pictures yet to be uploaded. While many of them will likely never see the light of day, that's still got to be at least four more years of uploads just sitting around! Guess I don't have to worry about running out anymore...


  1. 3-4 thousand photos sounds a lot like what's sitting in my archives as well! I've never done a formal count, but I still have some photosets from 2015 collecting virtual dust in my archives. As I keep collecting new photos, those older sets keep getting pushed to the wayside.


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