The wine and chips aisle

The weirdest part of this store comes in the first few aisles after the produce department (which, per local convention, are the highest numbered aisles -- this store sticks to left-to-right aisle numbering, something that's apparently unusual in stores with this sort of layout in other parts of the country). They're split into two half aisles with a cut-through in the middle; the front half is the liquor department, while the back half is home to random products including lunch meats, chips, and bread. This really threw me off when I was looking for chips at this store last week -- I didn't even think to check this part of the store since from the front actionway it just looks like a couple liquor aisles! I've never seen anything like this in a full-size Safeway, just in mini stores (like my local one at the bottom of the hill) where everything is just stuck wherever it fits.


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