Sale ⬇

The health and beauty area is a blast from the past, but from a completely different era than the rest of the store! The PF&H-era Sale signs on the endcaps look a bit out of place in this store, though not as out of place as the products they're advertising (candy and propane are rather interesting choices for this department)!


  1. Anonymous in HoustonOctober 5, 2024 at 9:46 PM

    Huh, it is strange to see propane canisters in a supermarket like that! I'm almost positive that our supermarkets do not sell those. If they do, they certainly don't put them on endcaps! Of course, this store is located near a number of camping/hiking areas, which Houston supermarkets are not, so maybe that explains that. I don't even know if it is legal for our supermarkets to carry those propane tanks in the store, but then sporting goods stores have them so I don't know what the difference would be there.

    While I suppose the Randalbertsons has relatively low shelving like this store has, it is strange to see low shelving like this compared to the cavernous shelving used at my local Krogertsons (and all Krogers really). This is one aspect where the Krogertsons looks quite different from how it would have looked as an Albertsons. Of course, that pharmacy island off in the distance no longer exists at the Krogertsons either (thankfully!).

    1. Yeah, I was surprised to see that too! My Safeway doesn't have those (unsurprisingly), but I think the Port Angeles ones do (they definitely did at some point, but Safeway has cut back on general merchandise items in recent years). I've never seen such a large quantity of them at any other grocery store, however!

      I'm not entirely sure how these are legal either (since stores are always adamant about not bringing the full-size propane tanks they sell outside into the store), but they've been sold in stores for as long as I can remember. My parents have a mini grill that takes these, and I remember buying them in the old Walmart in Port Angeles, which would have been quite some time ago! I guess they probably get away with it because they're so much smaller than typical propane tanks, but I'm not sure how much that matters when they put this many of them together in one place...


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