Over here, on the other hand...

Strangely, though, the side along the main actionway was almost entirely empty, with a sad tablecloth trying to cover it up. They were still trying to hire people, though! Seems like that's a constant thing for Sears/Kmart, no matter how much they shrink.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonSeptember 6, 2024 at 9:58 PM

    Hey, Sears is hiring! I remember at one of the Sears here, they kept the banner on the side of the store on which said the store was hiring through the store's closing liquidation sale, lol. I think Sears uses those 'we're hiring' signs to make it seem like business is better than it really is, but OTOH, I can't imagine employees would want to stick around at Sears if they have other opportunities so maybe it is hard for them to find people to keep these remaining stores going.

    At least this Sears did not fill up their jewelry cases with tool kits like I saw photos of at the Burbank, CA Sears! At least I think it was Burbank, one of the Sears which re-opened.

    I think you're correct that those display carts are not originally from the shoe department. Certainly they wouldn't have made up the majority of the shoe display like we see with the clearance section here. The shoes on clearance seem like a random mix of stuff, some of it being name brand stuff like Reebok. I wouldn't be surprised if it is all surplus stuff which didn't sell years ago so they are probably strange sizes and possibly damaged good. Then again, I've been to Nordstrom Rack a few times and it seems that the bulk of their shoe department is strange size stuff of shoes people would otherwise want (Clarks and stuff) and popular size items with strange designs of questionable popularity so maybe Sears isn't too entirely far from the Nordstrom Rack model, lol. I think Nordstrom Rack has been at my local mall for a decade now and I've yet to buy anything from there even though I have been in there browsing a few times.

    1. Yeah, I imagine it's pretty hard for Sears to find workers -- anyone they hire would have to think of it as a temporary job! And it's not like there's a shortage of low-paying retail jobs available around here.

      I want to say these are from the tool department or something like that, but I guess shelves are shelves! I can't seem to find these exact shelves in my 2018 photos, but similar ones were used throughout the third floor.

      My mom loves Nordstrom Rack, but I don't really get it. Of course, the one my parents tend to end up in is the one right across the street from Nordstrom headquarters, so it's probably an above-average store!


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