Naturally frozen

Up at the front end of frozen is a pair of "natural" frozen foods areas, one with (an old version of) the special Natural & Organic branding and one without. It's also interesting to see the two separate checkout number displays, one showing one lane open and the other showing five -- most be one for the front end and one for the back, but I have no idea how the software would decide how many shoppers are going to use each part! 


  1. Anonymous in HoustonSeptember 7, 2024 at 9:39 PM

    If that's where the natural entrees are, I wonder where the unnatural entrees are kept!

    5 open registers at a Kroger?! This photo is obviously from ancient times, lol. At least around here, Kroger having at least 2 open manned registers has become normal again. On that note, I don't know how accurate those register status displays are because I was at a Kroger last week which had two open registers, but the sign was only indicating that one was open. One of the checkstands was operating with the checkout number light turned off, so I don't know if that matters, but that lane did have people using it.

    1. It's actually 6 registers if the two screens are separate! My local QFC tends to only have 6 self-checkouts open when I go there! Though I've noticed things getting better recently when it comes to staffing at local Safeways...


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