Living room in the hallway

Speaking of stores to stay away from, Lush is also present in this part of the mall, and ever since they opened a store in downtown Victoria, BC (right where we would always walk by it every time we went to Victoria), I've hated them. Even just walking past the store (outdoors!), the amount of fragrance is always incredibly overpowering. It's even worse in an enclosed mall! I can't imagine how anyone can stand to actually shop in stores like that!


  1. About a decade ago, we had a part-time employee where I work who also had a job at the Lush in the mall out near where I work. She was quite enthusiastic about Lush and would always get upset when I'd tell her that I went to the Sears at this mall and didn't bother going to Lush, lol. It probably should have been obvious that I wasn't exactly in the store's target demographics! I can't imagine too many Sears shoppers were going to Lush back then and while it is still theoretically possible at this mall, I'm guessing it doesn't happen too often now either!

    Speaking of Sears, I guess you never know which aromas people will like and dislike. I used to know someone, and I'm pretty sure they were serious, who liked to go to the local Sears with an attached auto center so they could smell the new tires! Granted, that was probably a better, and perhaps more toxic, smell than anything coming out of Lush, lol.

    1. I'm not a fan of anything that has a strong scent to it, but I'd take a tire store over Lush any day! As far as I can tell, this mall's Sears never had an auto center (probably because it wasn't built as a Sears), but there is a Firestone in the parking lot (presumably a former JCPenney auto center), so I suppose it's still possible to do a head-to-head comparison! 🙂


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