Caution, the doors are missing


 Perhaps that was in part because the main entrance itself was closed off, with most of the glass missing. Apparently someone had managed to drive through the doors (why does that happen so often?) and they hadn't fixed it yet. I was fully expecting this to never get fixed, but (like the checkouts we just saw) it surprisingly was back in operation not too long after.


  1. This isn't goodbye...because the door has been blocked off!

    I'm guessing that the people driving through the doors are trying to burglarize the place. That seems to be the usual motive. Well, that and old people who hit the wrong pedals by mistake! Given that this is Sears, the latter seems more likely than the former. What does Sears have that a burglar could possibly want?! Even with that, I'm sure it probably was a burglary attempt. These types of burglary attempts seem to be relatively common in your area.

    At least around here, Sears locations, even the ones built in the 1990s, almost universally did not have bollards (this seems to be the word of the month in various retail circles, lol). I'm sure that doesn't help matters. I know that a lot of Sears were built in an era where bollards maybe seemed unnecessary, but they certainly could have added them later on. Obviously, they rarely did around here at least!

    In case you're wondering who would win a battle between a 1970s-1980s Kmart wall and a 1970s-1980s domestic sedan, one of the Dallas TV news archive websites has the answer! The Ford LTD Crown Victoria certainly looks like it had the better result in this battle! I guess someone was really desperate for a Blue Light Special! Also, it is really surprising to see that this Kmart had an open ceiling. Kmarts from that era almost universally had drop ceilings, but not here! Of course, at least when this video was taken, this Kmart also had a big open wall as well! Link:

    1. Ha, I was saving that joke for a different picture (from a different visit)!

      Unfortunately, I can't find the source I saw back then talking about the crash (which raises the possibility that I imagined the whole thing), but I'd be pretty surprised if it was accidental. I feel like Sears is much more likely to attract elderly people who shouldn't be driving than thieves interested in the small selection of cheap items that's all Sears has any longer!


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