Back tunnel

The back aisle is rather claustrophobic thanks to the low ceiling with merchandise piled up almost all the way to it. The aisle markers back here are quite odd too, and I had been thinking they seemed quite new and out of place with Lifestyle -- and it turns out I was right, as this store previously had tiny number-only panels back here. The new ones don't seem to directly fit with any Safeway decor I'm familiar with -- the font kind of makes me think of Ultra-Premium, but the aisle markers from that package look nothing like this. With the sheer number of decor packages Safeway/Albertsons has going on right now (it's not any version of Lifestyle or Modern or Ultra-Premium or Ultra-Premium v2 or Heritage or even anything I'm aware of from the smaller chains), it's really strange to find something that doesn't seem to fit any of them!


  1. Huh, those are very strange aisle markers especially since they had something else equally odd there earlier in the Lifestyle era with those number-only markers. I suppose the signage department had to make something special for this store! That back actionway looks quite tight even compared to some of the small Safeways you've posted about before!

    In more typical Safeway fashion, it appears the aisle markers, especially aisle 4, are not exactly lined up. Oh well, at least aisle 1 could also be called the grape aisle! I suppose those who like to gripe about ingredients needed to make a PB&J sandwich being spread out all over the store would like this Vons!

    1. Yeah, they don't seem to be lined up well and don't even seem to be all straight! Either they're falling off the ceiling already, or the ceiling at this (very old) store is no longer flat.

      In terms of actual dimensions, I don't think this is much different from the other classic Safeways I've posted, but this store is absolutely stuffed full of merchandise and signage, which makes it feel much more cramped! I don't think I would like it very much if I had to shop here on a regular basis...


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