Welcome to the Carkeek Park QFC!

This store was built in 1956 as Art's Food Center (opening just over 68 years ago to the day), and operated as such until 1998 when it was bought by QFC. (QFC sure bought a lot of stores around that year...) The store itself has seen a lot of change during that time, but one thing has remained the same -- the distinctive giant spherical sign along Holman Rd! 

This series has a weird story to it. I'm posting it now since it's one of the oldest sets in my backlog (my annual tradition), but I really thought I had posted it quite some time ago. It was only when I went to link to this set a few months ago that I realized that I hadn't ever posted it (by the way, I've had literal nightmares about posting photos I've posted before, one of my recurring retail nightmares, along with attempting to photograph a store while someone I know is there, without them noticing -- remember, no one I know in real life knows about this hobby of mine). Also, I could have sworn that the only time I ever visited this store was when I was living in Northgate from 2020-2021, but these photos are all from 2018 and I have no 2020-2021 photos of this store, so I have no idea what's going on here. That unreliability of memory is one of the reasons I rarely post old photos anymore, along with the poor quality of many of these older sets, this one included.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonAugust 24, 2024 at 9:21 PM

    Hey, it is the QFC, or Art's at least, version of a Kroger cube sign! That's pretty neat! There's a lot of a strange things going on at this QFC that I can already tell from the other posts aside from the sign. A Kroger Post Office? A Kroger Panda Express? What an oddball!

    I don't know what part of the state this store is in without looking it up, but it most certainly does not appear to be near Tacoma this time! Although there are some Subarus in these photos, I'm not saying that because of the Subaru factor, but because of how many VW station wagons (ok, technically one is an Audi, but I'm counting it) are in the parking lot! That, plus an old Volvo and even a Chevrolet Malibu Maxx! In some ways, this looks more like what I saw in Vermont than what I'd expect from your area even!

    It is also kind of funny how wide the parking spots are and well-paved the parking lot is at this old QFC! I suppose the messed up parking lots were a later feature to the supermarkets in your area! The parking spots at that QFC look wider than the Kroger parking spots here in Houston even! Maybe they look wider in the photos than they really are though, I don't know.

    1. Yep, this is an oddball store, with an odd ball sign outside! 😉

      This is in Seattle proper, but unlike the last several stores I've posted, this is in a relatively wealthy area in the northwest corner of the city! It's a little odd to see so many older cars in this sort of neighborhood, but then again, my neighborhood has a very similar mix of cars despite also being on the wealthier end of the spectrum. I guess that's just a Seattle thing. Plus, these pictures are 6 years old, so all of the cars were 6 years newer back then!

      Unlike most grocery stores around here, this one is in a shopping center, meaning the parking lot isn't maintained by Kroger themselves. That being said, while it is pretty well-maintained, the aerial view shows how messed up the layout is!

  2. I like the sphere sign. The entire design of the sign structure reminds me of a radio tower.


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