So many rooflines

I'm not sure if the facade is QFC/Kroger's fault or dates back to the Ray's days, but I'm pretty sure it isn't the original 50s design! Honestly, this is just a bit of a mess, with way too many overlapping, staggered rooflines. Also a mess is how that old green truck was parked, and whoever drove the Prius probably shouldn't have tried to fit into what was left of the spot facing it! The spaces in that part of the lot are extremely shallow, and apparently even vintage trucks from before the modern supersize trend have trouble fitting in them.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonAugust 25, 2024 at 10:02 PM

    Yikes, so much for what I was saying about this parking lot having spacious spots! Or maybe that old Ford truck is just parked so badly that it is making the spot look really small. It certainly does look to be parked badly! It almost looks like the Prius is touching the truck here. I know sometimes people get desperate for good parking spots, but there's no way I would have tried to park there! Of course, I think my sedan is longer than that Prius anyway!

    1. Yeah, this parking lot is quite messy overall! I think some areas are better, but that section is quite tight. If you look at Street View and aerials, you'll see a ton of cars not fitting properly into these spaces!


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