
The produce department is in the front right corner, and looks pretty much like any other QFC Bountiful produce department (apart from the weird lowered ceiling on the left side of the picture, presumably some sort of leftover from this store's long history). I am a bit disappointed to see the worn-out concrete flooring here, though it's nowhere near as bad as I would have expected considering this store's age.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonAugust 25, 2024 at 9:59 PM

    Interesting, aside from the cruddy floor, this looks pretty similar to the Krogers near me which still have Bountiful! It isn't too often I can say that about the QFCs you post. Interestingly enough, the stores around me which still have Bountiful still have Millennium-era vinyl floors with the fake wood that Kroger added to Bountiful stores which still had real flooring. This QFC could have benefited from that fake wood!

    With my local Grocery Palace Krogertsons getting Artisan here recently and with the other Krogertsons I shop at having had Neighborhood since 2017, it has now been almost two months since I've been to a Kroger which still has Bountiful! That has to be a record for not seeing Bountiful in-person since that famous era in 2012 where Bountiful started popping up everywhere. There are still a couple of stores with Bountiful near me, but I just have not been to them recently. For whatever reason, the Krogertsons, especially the Blue & Grey Market one, are just easier to get around and to park at than the similarly ~60k sq. ft. stores built by Kroger as Signature stores so I generally prefer them.

    1. It's been a lot more than 2 months since I've been in a Bountiful Kroger -- heck, it's probably been about that long since I was last in any Kroger-owned store! Of the 5 QFCs closest to me, two have Bountiful and the other three have older packages (2 Mercer and 1 Fresh Fare), so I have plenty of opportunities to see Bountiful still -- it's just that I don't particularly like shopping at QFC.

    2. Anonymous in HoustonAugust 26, 2024 at 7:57 PM

      I can understand the feeling of preferring not to shop at Kroger! However, even my local Randall's is still a bit of a drive and Krogers are all over the place in my area. The alternatives are HEB, which just isn't happening, and I can say the same about Walmart. Food Town and Fiesta Mart are options, and I do go to both on occasion, but I probably end up more at Randall's than those two. Oh, there is also Aldi if that even counts, lol. Given the drive to Randall's and the greater than Kroger levels of crappiness of the other options, Kroger is still where I do most of my shopping. Really, Krogertsons is where I've been doing most of my shopping especially recently!


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