Amazon no-star

I'm glad I got some pictures of the Amazon 4-star store on this visit, since it wasn't much longer before Amazon pulled the plug on the concept! I never did go inside one of these stores, but that's fine -- I don't particularly like featuring Amazon stuff on this blog. If you don't like Amazon either, just look at the pretty plants in the foreground!


  1. Anonymous in HoustonAugust 14, 2024 at 11:20 PM

    I most certainly don't like Amazon stuff, but I suppose the benefit of featuring dead Amazon concepts is that I can rub it in that Amazon has failed at something! Take that, Amazon 4-Star!

    It is interesting that the ceiling of the store is much shorter than the ceiling of the mall. At least I suppose that's what I'm seeing here. The way of closing the dead space isn't exactly the most elegant solution, but I suppose it works. Most people aren't going to be stopping and looking at it closely like I am right now!

    Those wooden chairs look interesting. I'm not sure if they are comfortable though! Also, it is a bit strange to see someone wearing a Supersonics jersey, but I reckon that isn't all that uncommon in Seattle even if it appears the person wearing it was probably barely alive when the Sonics moved.

    1. Ha! It seems like Amazon has more failures than successes when it comes to physical retail!

      This whole space is a bit weird. I think some of the high-ceiling center court was carved away for more retail space at some point, leaving a lot of empty space above since this is the one-story part of the mall. At least they didn't leave a black hole above the store facades!


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