A dark winter's night

OK, it was just after 4 in the afternoon on a rainy December day, but apparently that was still dark enough for my previous phone to be a bit unhappy! I mentioned in the previous part that it had been about a year and a half between visits, mostly due to COVID... well, it was almost another year and a half between that visit and this one, and I don't have any excuses this time.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonAugust 2, 2024 at 11:53 PM

    Huh, it looks like the all lowercase delivery truck design has been replaced by something looking like Lifestyle v3! Delivery trucks like that would be more at home in Portland than in Seattle! Then again, I'm not even sure what a Modern-like truck would look like!

    It is a bit surprising to see as many Nissan sedans in this photo as there are Subarus! Around here, Nissan sedans would be all over the place in addition to pick-up trucks. Granted, at least one of those Nissan sedans in this photo is a former rental car which someone purchased from Enterprise. A good number of the Nissan sedans around here are either rental cars or former rental cars.

    1. Safeway used that weird all-lowercase design for many years, but since then they've gone through all sorts of different designs!

      Nissan seems to be the main brand filling the cheap fleet car void left by the US car companies shift towards larger, more expensive cars! Most of their cars (especially sedans) I see around here are rental/fleet cars, so it's not surprising this one came from Enterprise. At least there are a decent number of Subarus here (I count at least three) -- Seattle's upholding its reputation this time!

    2. Anonymous in HoustonAugust 3, 2024 at 8:58 PM

      When I was in Portland last year, pretty much every Nissan sedan I saw, which wasn't many outside of the National Emerald lot at PDX, had a barcode in the window so they were clearly rental cars. The rental fleets seem to have a lot of Toyota sedans (and lower-end SUVs) as well these days.

      In Houston, and elsewhere in the south, Nissan sedans are probably our version of Subarus minus the pick-up truck love here in Texas. They are all over the place as you've probably seen in parking lot photos at HHR (Toyota sedans as well, though I'm sure those are less rare in the NW). Outside of old Toyota Corollas and Camrys which are certainly the king of old cars around here, if you see an old Japanese sedan on the road (something from the early 2000s counts as being old around here, you won't see many 1990s sedans on the roads of any kind around here aside from XV20 Camrys), it will most likely be a Nissan Altima or Maxima. Newer Nissan sedans are quite plentiful as well around here. It seems like the Sentra is starting to take over from the Altima as the new Nissan sedan of choice on Houston roads.


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