Boulevard of stars

This store, like basically all Grocery Palaces I've visited, never had the famous Beverage Boulevard road-pattern floor, instead just having the relatively boring stars. It looks like Save Mart shifted the aisles around at some point, leaving the pattern a bit off center, but at least the correct products are still here. 

Sorry for the lack of posts last night -- my power went out right when I was going to start working on them, and stayed out for several hours! Good thing the weather is fairly mild right now. There wasn't any sort of storm going on -- it seems to have been just yet another infrastructure failure of the kind that happens when you don't prioritize maintenance. 🫤


  1. Anonymous in HoustonJuly 29, 2024 at 8:38 PM

    The local Grocery Palace Krogertsons had both the Beverage Boulevard street floor and stars until that floor was pulled up this month. Unfortunately, I suppose, Kroger didn't line the beverage department with the road so the road was in a random center store food aisle. I guess Spaghetti Sauce Boulevard just doesn't sound very enticing, lol.

    Ouch, those random power outages are quite annoying. Weather-related power outages are annoying as well, and I know a lot about those here recently, but at least they are a bit understandable. Random ones? Not as much!

    1. I think stores that had the proper Beverage Boulevard floor used the stars for Snack Central, but don't quote me on that!

      Yeah, that's the problem with Grocery Palace's themed flooring -- stores tend to rearrange the aisles every few years in my experience, and that doesn't work great when there's a fixed reminder of what was supposed to be in each aisle. I'm not surprised that (as far as I'm aware) no other company has tried that before or since.

      Yeah, and at least during the winter I should be more prepared for power outages (but to be honest I'm probably not) -- summer power outages are much more unexpected! Though of the three major (hour-plus) power outages I've dealt with since moving to Seattle (which really isn't too bad for nine years), only one of them was storm-related -- the other two were both caused by infrastructure failures. 🤷‍♂️


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