Those don't look like suits to me

I know next to nothing about fashion, but that "suits" sign on the right is throwing me off! I know women's suits are a thing, but I would be surprised if they were a common enough thing to have its own department, plus the clothes on display don't look like what I would envision a suit to be. Then again, I've never worn a suit and don't ever intend to, so I have no idea what I'm talking about! (The fanciest clothing I've ever worn in my life probably wouldn't even rise to the standard of "business casual" in most of the country. That's another nice thing about living out here!)


  1. Anonymous in HoustonJune 13, 2024 at 9:10 PM

    Hopefully this Macy's has more men's suits than they have women's suits because they don't have very much here!

    I find it a bit hard to believe that you've never worn a suit before, but I suppose you are pretty young! I don't wear suits very often, and I'm not one who enjoys dressing up, but I do like the way I look when I do wear a suit. Other people must like it too because I seem to get a lot more respect from just random people when I do wear a suit, lol.

    Obviously, if you do get a suit, you want to make sure it is one that is properly tailored (something Macy's, at least the ones around here, failed at the last time I bought a new suit). Maybe one day you'll get a suit and you'll like the way you look in it. It is probably one of those things which is hard to imagine until you actually try it.

    The presence of a quality menswear department is still one thing I look for in a department store to determine if they are really and truly a fine department store. I've probably said it before, but even in the 2000s, JCPenney still had suit salesmen and in-store tailoring for suits. Now, it seems we're lucky if we can get in-store tailoring at every larger Dillard's even!

    1. Ha! I'm sure they had at least a somewhat better selection than this, but unsurprisingly, that isn't something I paid much attention to!

      I'm the kind of person who wears pretty much the exact same clothes every day, no matter what I'm doing. About the only thing that changes is that I wear short-sleeve shirts in the summer and long sleeves the rest of the year! I don't expect that to change anytime soon, since it's not like I ever do anything (or have any interest in doing anything) that requires wearing anything fancier! I do have a set of slightly fancier clothes that my parents made me buy for a job interview once, but even then, that was the only time I ever wore those.


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