Standing free

One last oddity before I wrap this one up -- the main building sign for Vons isn't actually on the building, but rather on a separate structure a few feet away! I'm guessing that was a historic preservation thing, since the "pegs" sticking out of the walls (not sure what the architectural term for that would be) stop it from being mounted on the breezeway between the buildings (though they could have just picked one side or the other for it to be installed on). It does leave a cool shadow! 

Anyway, that's it -- another new set of some non-Safeway type coming up tomorrow!


  1. Anonymous in HoustonJune 29, 2024 at 9:20 PM

    I believe those pegs are called vigas:

    Now, whether those are real vigas or something just for decoration, I don't know. I'm guessing they could have put the Vons sign right on the building since the building has other signs, including for the pharmacy, but I suppose they might have decided that putting such a big Vons sign on this building might have been a tacky option! Anyway, I think things work okay the way they have it.

    1. Looks like it -- thanks! I'm sure they're just decorative, but they're probably original to the building anyway so they wouldn't have wanted to modify them. What they ended up doing does look pretty nice, even if it is a bit strange!


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