
The last local flair photo in the atrium features Mt Rainier, which is very obviously not in Tukwila, though (as we saw at the start of this set and unlike the Space Needle shown on the other side of this floor) it is at least visible from there. This photo is far too up close to have been taken from Tukwila, however, so I guess they get a bit less than half a point in this case. 🙂 

I thought this view of Rainier looked a lot like the one you get on a south- or eastbound departure from Seattle, but I wasn't quite sure because it's been years since I've been on a plane heading that direction. So I decided to look up pictures of that... and one of the very first results was the exact stock photo they used. It's dated 2019, so that's the new earliest date Macy's could have installed these. (The photo looks a little different due to the vertical crop and black-and-white print, and the weird angle of this photo-of-a-photo, but I'm 99% sure it's the same picture.)
