Love you back

The perfume section here is quite extensive, and it seems I spent considerably more time than I normally would over in this area. I really don't understand who's buying all this perfume -- I certainly don't know anyone who uses it (and if I did, I would probably avoid them as much as possible)!


  1. Anonymous in HoustonJune 6, 2024 at 10:01 PM

    Ha, your comment sounds just like a Andy Rooney rant against department store perfume counters from 40 years ago! Link (the segment starts 30 seconds into the clip):

    Of course, the perfume counters at this Macy's seem quaint compared to what was going on at those New York City department stores in 1984!

    1. Ha! The salespeople may be less aggressive these days, but the perfume counter here is still right in the way for people coming in from the mall! And the counter itself probably isn't much newer than that video is.


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