La carne

The meat counter has an odd ancient-Rome marble aesthetic to it that seems out of place with the fairly modern design present in most of this store. I'm not a huge meat person (and obviously, there's nothing I could do with it as a tourist staying in a hotel!), but I'm sure there was plenty of interesting stuff here that you can't get in an American grocery store!


  1. Anonymous in HoustonMay 1, 2024 at 10:43 PM

    Huh, that cartoon looking thing on the right side of the meat counter looks like a Jack in the Box antenna ball! I'm sure that is purely coincidental. Certainly that meat is above the grade of the meat Jack in the Box uses and that is even assuming that they aren't using Australian horse meat like the seemingly did at one time! Link:

    Usually hotel rooms in Europe are quite small so I'm guessing the 'extended stay hotel' trend with full kitchens and supplied kitchenware, which are not uncommon in the US these days, have not become popular in Europe. With that in mind, if you want to cook some Eataly meat in the future, I guess you'll have to do so at an Eataly location in the US! It seems to me that most of the newer extended stay hotels only have cooktops and not ovens. Those wanting to bake a cake or a frozen pizza at the hotel will be out of luck. I stayed at an extended stay in Pittsburgh quite a number of years ago which even had outdoor BBQ pits for guests to use!

    1. Ha! I'm guessing it's supposed to be a cartoon chicken based on the text on the sign, but it does look a bit out of place in Eataly.

      Hotels in Italy tend to be smaller, but you can often rent apartments too (and not just through AirBNB like here in the US) -- I know we often stayed in those when we went to smaller towns in Italy back when I was growing up. Still, as much as I like cooking, I don't really ever cook anything more complicated than spaghetti when on vacations since cooking is a lot harder without the equipment and appliances and such that I'm used to at home. And in Italy, I can't imagine cooking for myself when there are so many good restaurants everywhere!


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