Stonewall Kitchen

I think this picture was mainly intended to show the category markers, but I also ended up capturing Pavilions' large endcap display of Stonewall Kitchen foods, something I'm definitely not used to seeing in normal grocery stores. (Some higher-end ones around here sell them, but Stonewall is a brand I'm used to seeing in gift shops rather than actual food-oriented stores -- in fact, the same company owns a bunch of other gift shop-type brands.) Back to the category markers: These remind me quite a bit of Lifestyle v1, with a much plainer design compared to the Lifestyle v3/Modern style that I'm used to. That's an interesting choice for a decor package that's full of visual interest!


  1. I know Publix carries a few Stonewall Kitchen items, but I've never seen a full display like this in a regular supermarket!


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