From September rain to May sun

My second visit to this store came about a year and a half later, in May 2021. I had thought this store wasn't planned to get a Modern remodel (based on Seattle Times reports from when the big remodel wave started), but I was idly browsing Google Maps one day and found that it had, in fact, been Modernized, and since I really like the way Modern looks in these ancient stores (ironically enough), I just had to come by and check it out. 

A few posts ago, Anonymous in Houston pointed out an older Volvo in one of my pictures. I wasn't too impressed by that one, but here (off in the background towards the left), that's what I would consider an older Volvo!


  1. Anonymous in HoustonMarch 6, 2024 at 9:30 PM

    Ha, I still contend a 1990s Volvo S70 is pretty old. Maybe not by NW standards, but just about anything here from the 1990s, or even early 2000s, is usually quite beat up and I don't think Volvos from that era aged particularly well anyway. That said, the Volvos from the era of the one in this photo certainly comes from the Swedish tank era and it is a fitting car to be at this ancient Safeway.

    I suppose litter is litter, but it is still pretty impressive that you caught that Styrofoam container flying in the air like that!

    1. Based on the cars I see around here all the time, Subarus and Volvos have to be from the early 90s or earlier for me to take note of them as out of the ordinary! There are so many cars from the late 90s and early 00s still around -- especially from Subaru -- that they just don't stand out.

      Ha! These pictures are from my old iPhone 6S, so I actually have a couple pictures showing it in different positions midair (on that phone, especially in bright sunlight like this, I always had to take multiple exterior photos so I could pick out one with decent brightness/exposure). It must have been a rather windy day when I visited this store!


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