A large umbrella is almost a pavilion... right?

It's too bad the beach umbrellas under the thank you sign aren't those four-leg canopy things, which wouldn't be too big of a stretch to call "pavilions"... oh well, it's kind of close I guess! Anyway, the woodgrain wallpaper on this wall looks pretty similar to what Modern uses, but I just don't like this version as much, and I'm not sure why. The rest of the sign is a definite upgrade over the Modern equivalent, though, especially when compared to the Seattle versions that don't even mention the neighborhood name! One definite shortcoming of Ultra-Premium (and one of the reasons it isn't one of my favorite active decors) is the lack of any sort of local flair, but I guess this sort of counts. (As I mentioned earlier, the decor definitely has a California vibe to it, so I'll give them points for that, but not all that many since it has spread to other regions without significant changes.) 

A short post on a Tuesday? No, I haven't lost track of time (again) -- I made a little math error when picking sets to fit in before my vacation next week, so I decided to rearrange things a little bit. We'll be back to normal soon(ish)!
