Sea butcher

It's hard to imagine this package ever being used in a store that was fancy enough to have separate meat and seafood counters, but it has individual signs for those departments regardless! The decor was even designed to have separate colors for them (red for meat and blue for seafood), meaning that the standard combined department here has a weird mix of both colors. It feels like the original designers wanted this to be a color-coded package, but just gave up partway through, reassigning the same colors for multiple departments (the red is exactly the same as in the deli) and just giving up with this combo department. I'm also not a fan of the use of the exact same symbols over and over (in the main signs, the ovals, and the panel between the signs) with just a bit of rotation to try to hide it -- by 2003, there were plenty of stock graphics libraries available, so only picking one symbol just seems lazy.
