Prescription for value

The "committed" theme continues into the pharmacy, which has various hanging signs with the same kind of message. I wonder if other parts of the store would have originally had similar signs to break up the blankness. I'm guessing these are original to the store since they match the permanent signs we just saw, but it's strange to see cardboard promotional signage stick around for over 20 years like these have!


  1. Anonymous in HoustonFebruary 24, 2024 at 9:39 PM

    It would not be a California store without those unused medication drop boxes! I reckon those are required by law in California or at least in parts of California? I remember even Kmarts in California had them. I have not seen them anywhere else. Certainly they don't exist here.

    The slogan 'Albertsons Committed to Value' would have received quite a laugh in Houston back in the late 1990s/early 2000s! Of course, value is one of those words retailers like to use when they know they are more expensive, but they try to convince the customers that the extra price is worth it. Randall's used a 'value' based slogan prior to being bought by Safeway. Maybe it worked. They were losing ground to Kroger at that time, but they were still having their way against Albertsons and many others.

    1. Interesting, I never knew they were a requirement! Some Safeways have them around here (including my local store), but it's not any sort of requirement here.

      I know Haggen used "value" in the same way back when they were the expensive independent option around here! Interesting that you say that about Albertsons though -- they were typically one of the cheaper options here (along with Safeway).


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