Farm fresh

Crates color-codes the various departments (well, kind of... the same few colors get used over and over), and they made the obvious choice of going with green for the produce section. The very default-looking green color they chose for produce clashes a bit with the soft green that the upper walls and ceiling were painted, and on the whole, the soft green part just doesn't look like it goes with this decor -- it looks far too classy compared to the cheap and harsh look of everything else!


  1. Anonymous in HoustonFebruary 5, 2024 at 10:31 PM

    Ha, the produce might be farm fresh, but I don't know about the decor! This does look like something from a discount grocer. Perhaps that was the intent, maybe Albertsons was trying to portray a value message in Bakersfield, but I don't know!

    You know how I feel about drop ceilings so I'll avoid discussion about the upper green area. Green and beige aren't necessarily a bad look together, but things are just too plain in this area. Perhaps Albertsons should have put some lightly shaded Albertsons logos along the wall or something to spice things up, but I'm not sure if the painted stripe the service departments got would be any better! Meh, this decor is a bit of a dud so far.

    1. You're right, this does look a bit like something from one of the many discount grocery chains in California! I'm not really sure what the intent was here, but it's entirely possible that was part of the goal of this design.

      I may not be giving this decor quite as scathing of a review as Acme Style did, but there's no getting around the fact that I don't like it either! I think it's safe to say that pretty much everyone who saw this decor, even Albertsons themselves considering how few stores got it, would consider it a dud!

  2. When I first scrolled through the thumbnails of this store, I thought we were seeing a package from Haggen! This picture looks like it could have been taken inside one of the cheap conversion stores following the Albertsons - Safeway merger.

    1. Ha! Somehow, I think the Haggen conversion decor is simultaneously cheaper and better looking than this!


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