Convenient Frozen Foods

In another unusual layout choice for an Albertsons of this era, frozen foods are near the middle of the store, with hanging signs (also somewhat rare) to highlight the department. A can of juice concentrate seems like a strange choice for one of the two graphics for the department (especially since it's neither "convenient" nor a food! 😉), but I have distinct memories of buying frozen juice at Albertsons (and never anywhere else) as a kid. I was going to make a comment about how Albertsons probably doesn't even sell frozen juice concentrate any longer, but I decided to look it up instead and was surprised to find that they actually do -- even back when I was a kid, it always felt like a weird, old-fashioned sort of thing, so it's a little surprising that it still exists today.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonFebruary 11, 2024 at 9:22 PM

    Ha, I remember when buying juice concentrates was the norm! We probably didn't buy orange juice in bottle/carton form until the early 1990s and even then, it wasn't super convenient as it came in those cardboard containers where you'd have to split the seal at the top to form the folding spout. School lunch milk cartons had that too and sometimes those spouts didn't want to form correctly! Anyway, I suppose all of this was still more convenient than using a concentrate!

    I don't know who still uses frozen concentrates, but I suspect that it may be used to make alcoholic beverage mixes. Then again, maybe they are still a thing for non-alcoholic purposes in Port Angeles, lol.

    At least the Albertsons blue does pop a little bit here compared to the colors in the other departments. This might be the least boring department yet, but that doesn't say much. The clutter on top of the frozen cases might actually be the least boring part of the department!

    1. I'm definitely a bit too young for it to have been the norm, but there were times when buying frozen juice was cheaper enough for it to be worth the hassle. The biggest issue is that you have to have something to keep the reconstituted juice in! I haven't bought juice of any type for many years now -- I'm not lying when I say I almost exclusively drink water!

      Hmm, I hadn't even thought about the alcoholic beverage angle. I'm so out of the loop when it comes to those things!

      The umbrellas on top of the cases definitely help the aesthetics here!

  2. Maybe the old fashioned item choice was meant to tie into the theme of the décor?

  3. I know Publix still sells the frozen juice concentrate cans. As for using them for mixed alcoholic drinks, I think people still do? I never have, nor have I seen anybody make a drink with a frozen juice can, but I feel like I've heard people mention the idea a time or two. I agree that it seems like a random feature for the department sign though.


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