Bakery and deli

If you were expecting things to get better in the service departments, you're going to be quite disappointed. All three of them are crammed into the back right corner of the store, with the deli and bakery melding together, something I generally associate with lower-end stores (though they are each a decent size). On the plus side, they do have a proper soffit concealing most of the ventilation and partial walls dividing the sales area from the back-of-house space, both of which the Acme lacked. This is a very different layout from what Albertsons typically used in the 90s and 00s, with their stores generally having separate delis and bakeries with produce in between, creating a grand aisle configuration of one type or another.


  1. Crates & Stripes looks a lot better in this store than in that Acme, but it still doesn't look all that great. The open ceiling in this store makes Crates & Stripes look a little better, I feel, as the drop ceiling in the Acme made everything seem more plain white and dull. I feel like the crate theme could have been an interesting basis for a nice farm/rural decor, but this wasn't it. I guess it was for the best only 3 or so stores got this package, but it's nice you were able to photograph this store for posterity's sake.

    1. That pretty much sums up all of my feelings about this store and my visit here! This is one decor package I won't be mourning when it inevitably becomes extinct.

  2. I totally agree with the above sentiments. From a distance, the white graphics on the color band between the signs look like patches in the sheetrock from where something was removed.


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