I thought the "el queso" drawing was a cake at first

Within the larger meat department, the side wall is home to the service meat section itself, the front wall holds the seafood area, and the island contains the cold deli (the deli on the left side of the store seems to be mostly the hot deli/prepared foods area). Running right down the middle is a whole bunch of tortilla displays -- I wish stores around here had a good selection of tortillas like this! I'm not sure what the deal was with the deli section -- there's clearly someone in there, but most of the slots in the case seem to have been empty.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonDecember 14, 2023 at 8:35 PM

    Huh, I would have assumed El Queso was a cake as well if I didn't know what queso means! This store may have many fine cakes, but that wouldn't be one of them, lol. Then again, some people do like cheesecake!

    I suppose one advantage of living in Texas is that there is no shortage of tortillas here, but this place has quite a bit even by Texas standards. Granted, that is probably not unexpected at a Hispanic store.


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