Floating backdrop

Despite the deli section being an island, it still got an elaborate backdrop that's just awkwardly hanging out in the middle of the store. This is quite an unusual look, but it's still pretty neat! And yes, this store tops out at just six aisles, a surprisingly low number even for a 60s-era grocery store -- I don't believe I've ever visited a supermarket with quite such a high proportion of the floor space taken up by service departments, except maybe for the world's smallest QFC (and even that store has 7 aisles!). 


  1. Ha, I have reason to believe that the two Walgreens-sized Tom Thumbs in Dallas would more than compete for the title of fewest aisles and most space given to the service departments! I believe this one, with a nice implementation of Colorful Lifestyle v2, only has 5 aisles. Link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/WdmfC6YFq67JXRkf8

    Also, check out this nearby Tom Thumb which still had original 1990s era pre-Safeway merger Tom Thumb/Randall's decor until it got Modern somewhere around 2021. It is just bizarre that this store held onto this decor for so long and never got Lifestyled! Link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/GxbhTkP1QQwasd6Z6

    1. Yeah, those tiny Tom Thumb stores are quite similar to the tiny QFCs!

      It's always fun to see stores that never got Lifestyle! Sadly, there really aren't many left that haven't closed or remodeled over the past couple years. The new Modern decor in that store is a bit odd itself, though, especially the Guest Services sign!


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