Local Yoke-l


 The left side of the store is also home to the produce department -- a real grand aisle setup! The stacked pallet displays in produce aren't my favorite look, but they're in keeping with Yoke's overall style. And I must say, I would definitely trust Yoke's local produce posters more than I would Kroger's or Safeway's!


  1. Anonymous in HoustonNovember 12, 2023 at 8:46 PM

    There is certainly a lot going on in that service department area! A coffee bar, pizza, and so forth. The produce area is pretty plain, unfortunately. It doesn't look bad, but it is just a generic farmers market look.

    Hey, I bought some Washington apples from Randall's recently. They aren't local to here, but they are local to you! Maybe that's what all those local banners mean. The produce is local to someone if not to the customer themselves, lol.

    1. Yeah, this seems to be yet another case of decor designers not knowing what to do with departments that aren't on a wall, unfortunately.

      Ha! Those apples would probably be a lot more local to this store than they even are to me! 😃


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