

 Really, the whole left side of the store is a bit weird, with walls and soffits zigzagging all over the place and nothing completely lining up the way it seems like it should. The design makes me wonder if the store was expanded at some point (which would also explain why its layout doesn't match other circa-1980 Safeways), but there's absolutely nothing on the outside to indicate that. Or maybe there could have been a stock room running along this side of the store originally... I really have no idea.


  1. Anonymous in HoustonOctober 2, 2023 at 8:37 PM

    Wow, this is really weird. I'm thinking that this isn't the original location of the pharmacy if this store even had a pharmacy when it opened. I'm almost wondering if the orientation of this store was swapped at one time, but if nothing else, I'm almost certain there were some other layout changes made to this store.

    1. I hadn't even thought about that possibility. The service department side of the store seems pretty similar to standard Safeways from this era, so I was assuming it was original, but who knows!


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