Wine Shop

The rest of the low-ceiling area, between meat and the checkouts, is home to the liquor section. This is the only time I've ever seen QFC put a department sign on the soffit between the low and high ceilings, and it only works here because the front actionway is within the high-ceiling area for some reason. I'm guessing this whole area was originally home to the checkouts, and there's a good chance the main aisles were originally longer, extending all the way to the soffit -- but then again, the back aisle doesn't have a low ceiling either, so who knows. This sign looks extra strange because they left the soffit it's mounted to white, rather than the beige sponge-painting on the lower walls where department signs normally go, and they even left the middle part of the lightbox plain white. I have no clue how Kroger/QFC did things in the early 00s, but it really feels as if someone just shipped this store a crate full of signs and told the installers to figure it out, Remix-style, rather than anyone actually taking the time to think through how things were going to work.
