I could go for some desserts

I keep talking up the uniqueness of this decor, but it is basically PF&H with a different font and a different color scheme. The aisle markers, however, are completely different -- a hollow tri-sider design (rather than the standard dual-faced ones used in PF&H 1 and 2 or larder, solid tri-siders from PF&Hv3) with a curved, double-sided piece on top featuring the aisle number along with an aisle name. And I've mentioned before how much I love aisle names! It's particularly neat here, since having the "Frozen Foods" label on top means they don't have to repeat the word "Frozen" on every single category plaque, as most decor packages do. Oddly, the name is written in yet another different script font, one where not all of the letters connect together like they do in the one used for the main wall decor; also, they're title-case rather than fully lowercase like the wall signs.
