Distant view

On the way out, I took one last picture showing the full width of the store -- and both of its weirdly-shaped signs at the same time. I have to take a moment to mention just how small that Toyota Highlander -- a fairly large SUV, probably larger than anything I've ever driven personally -- looks next to that giant pickup truck! It's really insane just how big those things are getting these days, and how common of a sight they're becoming even in dense urban areas like my neighborhood. Heck, even in this outer suburban area, that thing doesn't fit in a parking space! 

(Also, where are all the Subarus? 😉)


  1. Anonymous in HoustonOctober 6, 2023 at 9:33 PM

    With all the pickup trucks in this image and no Subarus, one could be fooled into thinking that QFC has come to Houston! This is a bit of a strange image as the maroon Ram truck has an Alabama license plate frame! I can't imagine there are many Alabama fans in the Seattle area, but who knows!

    Trucks like that white one are big to begin with, but that one also looks like it has a lift kit. Again, that's not uncommon around here, but gas is also ~$3.00/gal. here right now and I'm sure it is not that in Seattle! It is difficult when you go to shop at an older supermarket or mall, or a newer HEB oddly enough, and you have to park next to a truck like that. Even that Highlander would make things tight. I'm sure supermarket parking lots like that are common in the NW. My local Randall's, built in 1974, does have a tight parking lot and a truck like that would not even fit in a parking spot there so they'd have to take two.

    1. There are some QFCs in rural areas where these trucks wouldn't be that weird of a sight, but this definitely isn't one of them!

      I hadn't even thought about the whole gas price thing -- it really isn't something I ever have to think about! 🙂 Washington always has some of the highest prices in the country, even surpassing California over the summer, and prices in Seattle proper are still generally around $5 per gallon. Unsurprisingly, we have a lot of very tight parking lots and garages here too -- I bet that truck is too tall to fit in a lot of parking garages!


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