
This picture turned out pretty terrible, but I'm keeping it in because I actually remember the story behind it this time! Right as I was entering, an employee popped out of somewhere out of sight to welcome me, which (unsurprisingly) startled me, especially since that's not even remotely a normal thing at QFC, and obviously put me on guard. Then that same employee (who I think was the manager, but I'm not sure) popped out of hiding spots (intentional or unintentional, I have no clue -- I will admit that I get startled very easily and tend not to notice people) at least twice more when I was here before standing at the door again to say something to me as I left, which obviously made me very uncomfortable and led to this being a quicker tour than I had intended, despite them never actually saying anything to me about taking pictures. (So I wouldn't really count this as being busted for photography, even if it was a very strange experience.)
