Garden center

Out front, Haggen (well, Top Foods) built a large garden center setup, most of which is now in disuse thanks to the Safeway takeover. At least Haggen still has a significantly better garden selection than anything else under the Albertsons umbrella, despite no longer having it fully staffed.


  1. Ha, I don't know about Haggen having the best garden centers under the Albertsons umbrella. If we go back in time, some Albertsons in Houston had indoor and outdoor garden centers including my local Grocery Palace Albertsons (now Krogertsons, but the garden center is empty). In current times, this United Supermarkets (Albertsons) in Quanah, TX sells lawn mowers! Link:

    Speaking of North Texas, do you or Retail Retell know what is up with this Kroger tent at the construction site of a new Dallas-Ft. Worth Kroger Marketplace? It has been a while since Kroger opened a new store in Houston, or DFW for that matter, so I'm not sure what all might be in the tent. Link:

    1. I assume the tent just had the podium, chairs, cameras, lighting, etc. for the groundbreaking announcement -- weird to see automatic doors on it, though.

    2. Wow! United Supermarkets is fascinating with how they operate semi-independently, much like how Haggen operates around here.

    3. United, and thus Albertsons, even owns a mid-level restaurant in Lubbock, TX via their United Food & Beverage Services business. Fine dining at an Albertsons, who would have guessed?! Link:


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