Meats: Fresh • Dead

I was quite excited to see a neon accent in the meat department, though also disappointed that half of it was already dead, in a decor package that's only a few years old. I'm really hopeful that neon will continue to come back into style! 🙂


  1. Anonymous in HoustonJune 18, 2023 at 9:55 PM

    Huh, that looks like real neon and not LEDs made to look like neon! It's kind of hard to tell given that only half of the small sign is working!

    It does appear that neon, at least in limited use, is still trendy. Here is a story from this past week about a new Marks & Spencer in the UK and it has some neon elements in it. US supermarkets like to copy elements from Europe so maybe we'll see this here later in the decade. Link:

    1. Yeah, I believe it is, though I'm not quite sure either -- the fact that it's already partially dead also makes me think it's more likely to be real neon!

      I've seen neon decor cropping up in some east coast stores, too, along with some independent chains throughout the country, so I'm hoping it will become more common sooner or later!


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