Cringey word collage

The third floor is also home to the Backstage section, though I have to say, it's hard to tell the difference between that and the main store, which also uses very cheap-looking racks and has a fairly haphazard appearance overall. At least the clothes in this area aren't limited to black and white! 

Anyway, I'm taking the holiday weekend(ish) off again -- I'll be back next Wednesday!


  1. Anonymous in HoustonJune 29, 2023 at 11:10 PM

    I've seen some Macy's Backstages which really and truly look like a Ross. This, by comparison, isn't so bad. As you say, it's not much different from the rest of the store. I'm not sure if that is a compliment to the Backstage or an insult to the rest of the store, lol.

    I have to work on Monday so it is a bit of a strange holiday for me. Oh well, at least the week will be short after July 4th! Anyway, enjoy your holiday.

    1. Ha, I think it might be some of each! Plus, the department signs in the Backstage area add some visual interest that's lacking in the rest of the store!

      I would have had to work yesterday too, but I decided to take a vacation day since I really needed a break. I'm probably going to take some more mini-vacations going forward, which I may or may not take off from the blog too.


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